Why Do Hospitals Have Gift Shops, Why It Makes Sense Now
Here in Texas we’ve recently had the extraordinary experience of getting by without power. That means for many of us no heat, no cooking, no internet, no lights, no water…the list goes on. And, of course, weather aside, no gift shops in hospitals.
What has really struck me (as it has several times over the past year) is how much I rely on being able to shop for what I need when I need it. And it isn’t just about what I need. Along with warming me up, I was grateful for the simple diversion of shopping at the sole Target around me that was able to open. It helped things feel a little more normal.
That’s one very important thing a hospital gift shop does: it helps things feel a little more normal.
Of course, our shops also provide a service to the hospital community – visitors, patients and employees. And right now, after a year of unprecedented everything, gift shops in hospitals can quickly and easily bring back a sense that we are moving in the right direction.

What could a hospital gift shop offer during a pandemic?
1. A venue for selling packaged food, drink, and convenience items; we can also include food prepared and packaged by your cafeteria to help you manage food service operating hours.
2. An amenity for hospital employees.
3. An opportunity for patients’ family members and friends who can’t visit in person to send care gifts for in-room delivery where permitted.
4. A venue for select clinical service items (such as lactation support – including breast pumps for sale/rent).
5. Stress relief for the campus community.
6. And, of course, a sense of normalcy.
We observe the same safety guidelines and protocols that are part of your entire campus safety program. And a Cloverkey gift shop can be an important part of your total care continuum.
It’s such an easy way to make a meaningful change and we’d love to tell you how. Contact us today.